2022 NDT – James Madison University


Dear Colleague,

Plans are nearing completion for the 76th National Debate Tournament hosted by James Madison University. The NDT Committee has worked incredibly hard throughout the year to bring you a top-quality hybrid national tournament experience. Several rule changes will be in effect at this year’s tournament, including a number of rules specific to a hybrid NDT. Therefore, please review this document carefully. Rule changes are highlighted in both the google doc outline and in the body of the letter.

James Madison will provide classrooms on campus and virtual classrooms will be available on Classrooms.cloud. Gary Larson will continue to tab the tournament. We are working to find several alumni volunteers to help with logistics, including starting rounds. If you know of an appropriate volunteer, please have them email me ([email protected]).
Registration for the tournament will take place on Thursday March 31. 2022. Competition will take place Friday, April 1 through Monday, April 4, 2022. This document provides information on the tournament location, qualifying processes, eligibility certification, and entry for the tournament.

A complete set of rules and procedures may be found at https://nationaldebatetournament.org/about/standing-rules/.
The complete text of this letter, including multiple rule updates and health protocols, can be viewed at 

I look forward to seeing many of you at the NDT!


Sarah T. Partlow Lefevre, Ph.D.
Director, National Debate Tournament
Professor, Director of Debate, Department of Communication, Media and Persuasion, Idaho State University

First Round Bids

Dartmouth BC Bald & Chang-Deutsch 

Dartmouth SV Shankar & Vergho

Emory GK Giampetruzzi & Kessler 

George Mason BG Buckner & Graham 

Harvard AF Aoki & Farronay 

Harvard BH Barton & Habermann 

Kansas MS McMahon & Scott 

Kentucky GD Griffith & Di 

Liberty CR Cazeau & Robinson

Michigan PR Pierry & Rabbini 

Michigan PS Phil & Skoulikaris 

Northwestern DF Deo & Fridman 

Southern California KS  Kuffour & Sun 

Texas DK Desai & Kashyap 

UC Berkeley EE Eusterman & Eusterman 

Wake Forest DT Davidson & Torguson 


Second Round Bids

Second round bids TBA.